
为了有资格获得经济援助,学生必须取得令人满意的学业进步. The Department of Education considers a satisfactory academic progress policy to be reasonable if it meets both the qualitative and quantitative criteria. 请查看以下SAP的资格要求和常见问题解答. 所有在任何数量的单位注册的学生都有FAFSA, CADAA应用程序, 或每年通过SAP发布任何奖项, 通常在每年6月. 没有参加SAP会议的学生将通过电子邮件通知.


  • 所有的学生 必须满足所有三个要求 继续接受财政援助

  • 学生 不符合SAP要求被终止 从接受下一学年的经济援助. 在下一学年结束时,如果学生获得至少66分.67%的尝试单元,达到GPA标准, 该学生将重新获得资格,并再次有资格获得经济援助.

  • SAP在春季学期成绩公布后,每个学年结束时进行评估. 所有学生都将根据三个资格要求进行评估. 未通过SAP考试的学生将在6月份收到电子邮件通知.

  • 在秋季学期通过SAP申诉的学生 will have their SAP status evaluated during Spring semester -- based on the term of your probationary period, 正如你在上诉书中所说的.


不符合SAP? SAP申诉程序常见问题PDF文件 在新窗口中打开

SAP要求#1 - GPA
条款 累积平均绩点
在第二届任期之后 1.50
第三届任期后 1.70
第四届任期后, 初中, 老年人, 第五学期以上的本科生, 第二届本科学生 2.00
凭证 2.50
研究生 3.00

A student enrolled in an educational program for at least two academic years or more -- at the end of the second academic year the student must have a GPA of at least a "C"; which is equivalent to a 2.0.  有关等级值,请参阅注册处在新窗口中打开 .  注:WU级与F级的处理方式相同. 

SAP资格要求# 2 - PACE计算
总累积赚取单位* ÷除以 总累计尝试单位* =(等于) %的比例 通过或失败
23 ÷ 29 79.31% 通过了
23  ÷ 44 52.27% 失败的


*重要说明未完成、WU、NC、RP、RD、W和F成绩计入尝试单元,但不计入完成单元. 重复的课程作业和转学单元都计入尝试和完成的单元.

SAP资格要求#3 -最大时间框架|也称为“单位上限”
职业生涯 标准时间框架 最大时限(标准时限的150%)-单位上限
本科 120个单位 180个单位
凭证 30个单位 45台
毕业生* * 30个单位 45台

Federal regulations require that all student complete their academic program(s) within 150% of the stand time-frame of their program.

      1. The standard unit cap for graduate and post-baccalaureate students is based on the number of units required for your academic program. 

      2. 所有的单位都被计算在内, even if the student did not receive financial aid; even if the units do not count for credit toward graduation. This includes all graded courses, transfer units, repeated coursework and W, WU, I, NC and RP grades.

      3. 一旦学生达到了他们项目的单元上限, 他/她没有资格获得经济援助.

重要提示学生可以在最长期限内获得经济援助, 然而, 财政援助计划的终身限制政策是在学生的资格中考虑的. If the student exhausted any financial aid programs prior to reaching the maximum time-frame allow to receive financial aid, 该学生将不会获得该特定项目的资助.

  •  了解 单位上限在新窗口中打开 需要超过标准单元数的项目总数.

  • ** 500或以上的课程将被视为“研究生课程权重为1.5乘以单位值. The unit cap is 150% of the minimum required units after weighting of the required graduate units in the program. 自主学习课程的权重不为1.5乘以单位价值.

  • The calculation of attempted units includes all course-work completed at CSUF as well as all other transferable course-work completed at other institution.  


所有的学生 who does not meet SAP requirement are sent an email to their campus email account. The email provides the reason why the student is terminated from financial aid and link(s) to download the SAP Appeal form if the student wishes to appeal. 学生可以在秋季和春季申请,但不接受夏季申请. Students can appeal for extenuating circumstances that prevented them from meeting the SAP requirement. 可以减轻罪责的情况有疾病, 住院治疗, 家庭中的死亡, 或其他妨碍学生参加SAP会议的情况. Students must also include a statement indicating what has changed and how they will be able to meet SAP requirements by the next evaluation period.


定性和定量均不及格的学生需要完成两项申诉, 这两个表格的链接会在学生的邮件里.


一旦上诉被审查, 学生将通过电子邮件被告知上诉是否被批准或拒绝. SAP for students with approved appeals will be monitored at the end of the semester (end of fall for fall approved appeals or end of spring for spring approved appeals). Students whose appeals have been denied will be monitored at year end SAP (the end of spring) and will be reinstated if they meet the SAP standards.



  1. 日历——注意关键的截止日期, 包括取消, disenrollment, 学费/费用退还日期, SAP申诉截止日期等.

  2. Write Your Appeal Letter (Please Type It) -- Your letter of explanation should include the exceptional circumstances that prevented you from meeting financial aid SAP requirements and steps you have taken to ensure your academic success.

  3. 给出例子——在你的信中, include changes you will make and/or resources you will use to ensure your future academic success (e.g. EOP咨询、辅导、辅导、减少工作时间等.). Include  an explanation of what has changed in your circumstances that will enable you to meet SAP. 

  4. Gather Documentation's (Provide Copies) -- Include documentation to support your letter of explanation (e.g. 医疗文件,工资支票存根,成绩单等等.).

  5. Meeting with an Adviser (Academic or Financial Aid) Recommended -- Meet with an adviser if you have concerns and need additional help and guidance.

  6. Submitting Appeal -- Submit  your completed appeal form with your personal typed letter and documentation to the 财政援助办公室 @ GH-146. Double check your appeal to make sure everything you want to inform and provide to the committee is there before submitting it.

    • Additional documentation maybe requested by the committee members before a decision is rendered.

  7. 准备一个备用计划——如果你的上诉没有被批准, 你可能需要寻找其他的入学选择或资金来源.




  • 大约4-6周. 委员会的决定将通过电子邮件通知你.


  • 秋季学期- 10月

  • 春季学期- 4月

  • 夏季学期——夏季学期不接受上诉

  • SAP表单有实际的日期


  • It is highly recommended you download and print the form from your email because the link was generated to a specific form, 这与你没有资格获得经济资助相吻合. 学生可能因为一个以上的原因而不符合资格.


  • Make sure you understand what successful completion means and the numbers of units you must complete each semester to maintain you financial eligibility. 

  • 如果你被批准并考虑改变你的课程负担, discuss your academic plan options with both your academic adviser(s) and a financial aid adviser prior to making any adjustments to your schedule.

  • Read your approved SAP Appeal to make sure you are following any approval requirements to maintain financial aid for the academic year you submitted your appeal.

  • By signing and submitting the SAP appeal form you acknowledge your understanding of the basic requirement on that form, 包括您批准的SAP申诉的任何附加要求. 




以下成绩不计入你已完成的学分, 然而, 它们被计算在尝试单位中:



Up to 30个单位 of remedial course-work are allowed under financial aid regulations as long as you earn a grade of "CR" for the course. “SP”或“NC”等级不计入已获得的学分. 

如果你 重复一门课程在新窗口中打开 您之前获得的单位学分(e).g. 成绩达到D或更高),你可以获得一次重修课程的经济资助.  



财政援助办公室不规定每学期的最低学分数, although most financial aid programs require at least 6 units per semester (half-time status) to receive funds. 因此,你可以决定每学期尝试多少单元. 在决定, 考虑诸如就业等因素, 课程的难度, 家庭, 责任, 留校察看, 等. 


You were placed on probation because you had an appeal approved which enabled you to received financial aid while you implemented the changes necessary for you to meet the SAP standards.

作为财政援助接受者, 你必须取得令人满意的学业进步才能获得学位.

同一学年的第二次上诉一般是 不接受 如果你失败了,除非你有进步 严重的有文件证明的情有可原的情况 比如直系亲属的死亡.